Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sparks Fly.Beauty.Simplicity.

I'm new to this whole blogging thing. But I decided this would be good for me. What Sparked me wanting to start a blog, you ask? The fact that I am continuely seeing girls who disrespect themselves. Everything from wearing next to nothing Halloween costumes & posting scandalous pictures on facebook of themselves to the guys they are dating. I feel like girls don't know how beautiful they are. So they have started dressing in unpleasing ways to get attention. Which saddens me so, so, so much. Girls don't know what they deserve. So they settle for guys who "love" them. Come on..they don't love you. Plain and simple. Instead of running to Jesus in times of raging storms, girls tend to turn things of this world. This World tell's us we need to look and dress a certain way. That we need to date a certain type of guy. That we need to say certain types of things. When in all reality..the World will FAIL you and our wonderful Creator never will! I am SO sick of seeing these Worldly things!

I often feel like I hear problems and such from other people, which is great because I know God is using me in the lives of those people! But that sometimes I don't get enough of my thoughts and feelings out there! So this is my way of getting it out way of being heard you could say. Don't get me wrong, I am soooo thankful that people can pour into me, but I get overwhelmed at times.

also, I don't feel like we take enough time out to respect all the simple things in life. The beautiful small things that God does for us each and every day. We don't always look at how beautiful the sunset may be..or the fact that the leaves are now changing and falling off of the trees. We don't take the time out to really look at how beautiful life really is. We don't thank him enough for his creations. Let's start doing this.