Friday, November 12, 2010

love is the movement.thankfulness.

soo..i was just pondering afew things today. Which is actually something I do quite often. I work at a daycare. I love this Job. I love the kids..& I'm so thankful for the things they have opened my eyes to. But afew days ago we went over things that they are thankful for. And let  me tell you...I got quite the list. One child said he was thankful for his hand. One said they were thankful for the chicken nuggets their mom and dad make. Afew said their mommy and daddy. One said their toys. This was beautiful to me. I laughed at some of the answers because they seemed kind of silly. But now I look back and think...No, Lindsey..that's the way its suppose to be. I should be thankful for my hands a feet given to me to serve the Lord. Some people don't have that. These kids know exactly what they are thankful for...and express it. So why can't I? A 19 year old, undeserving girl? So this is it..I'm thankful for my hands. Being able to use them to teach children. If I didnt have my hands, I wouldn't be able to do my future job. I wouldn't be able to type this right now. It's in a whole different perspective to me now. I'm thankful for my parents. The parents who understand every path of life and have supported me in everything I do. The parents who have raised me in church and taught me about Jesus. The parents who given me absolutely everything I need. The parents who have displayed God's love! The parents who have given me my silly little brother. Thanks mom and dad :) Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus for friendships. The old and the new. The best friends. The friends I only see every now and then. The friends who have guided me and showed me your love. Thank you for church camps. Thank you for the hard work put into them to bring you glory. Thank you for always giving me the chance to be involved. Thank you for giving me the words to say. Thank you for your guidance. THANK YOU! take some time out to look at what you're really thankful for. big and small things. we don't do this enough!

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let people know they are beautiful! spread love! spread hope! make a change. it can happen!

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